Prepare for your dance exams like A BOSS!

From weeks before the exam date, the day before and even moments before, our RSD DanceStep leaders (who are well seasoned in dance exams!) have prepared some tips & tricks to ensure you can be mentally prepared and physically prepared to own your upcoming dance exam. This advice will help you make the most out of your experience, getting the most points you can and most importantly have a great time and being proud of yourself!

THE GENERAL OVERVIEW: by Eshley & Saamiya

  • 1 month before exams practice your routines and stretch so you know your work with confidence
  • 1 week before exams mentally prepare yourself (visualise being the best dancer! Talk yourself up – “I CAN DO THIS!”) and physically getting your dance shoes and uniform ready
  • 1 day before the exam go over your dances again, check what time you should be at the studio
  • On the day of the exam remember to fill up your drink bottle

A MONTH BEFORE: by Jamie, Jessica & Brooklyn

  • Make sure you have the correct uniform, order your RSD uniform HERE
  • Test which underwear you are going to wear (the last thing you want is to be distracted by picking a wedgie or pulling up bra straps!)
  • Go to as many classes as you can! Or even book a private lesson with your favourite teacher! (email for help with both of these)
  • Write down order the of your exercises for memory
  • Know all your exercises and if you’re unsure don’t be afraid to ask your teacher…ask them to upload videos and the playlist to movitae and parent portal.
  • Take deep breaths!
  • Know that your teacher believes in you!

THE NIGHT BEFORE/DAY OF: by Eloise, Victoria & Vinshi

  • Have your bag packed the night before (drink bottle, healthy snacks, uniform, cleaned shoes and smile!)
  • Have a quick practice before your exam – especially the trickier combinations
  • Make sure your hair is neat & tidy – use lots of gel & hairspray
  • Eat healthy breakfast/lunch, so you have good energy for the exam
  • Breathe and stay calm! You can do this!
  • If you forget/freeze, ask the examiner if you can start again – she wants to see you doing well!

When the exam is all done, congratulate yourself, know you’ve done the best you can and you can’t ask for anything more. Treat yourself with a yummy lunch/dinner and even pudding!

So there you have it – advice direct from the well seasoned dancers at RSD!
Take on this advice and you’ll master your dance exam like A BOSS and have a great time while you’re at it!

All the best!

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