Does your little dancer get stroppy or lack energy in the afternoon?

They (and you!) might need a energy/fuel boost from some healthy dance snacks!

Young dancers, nay, ALL CHILDREN, need to receive the right amount of energy/fuel from their food each day so that their little brains and bodies can function properly.

As part of their leadership training, DanceStep leaders Vinshi & Jamie have written a list of ideal snacks that they love to eat before, in between and after their multiple classes at the studio. 

They have also written some helpful hints and tips! Read on to be inspired to eat better!

  • Frooze balls (Miss Margs favourite!)
  • Muesli bars (but watch that you are choosing low in sugar bars!)
  • Fruit – these are full of nutrients, vitamins and minerals
  • Yoghurt (again watch for the sugar content, greek yoghurt is best)
  • Nuts/Trail Mix
  • Carrot Sticks
  • Crackers & Hummus
  • Original flavour corn thins, with peanut butter or tinned tuna (not together, YUCK!)


✔ Be prepared by ensuring there are healthy snacks in your pantry! Pack your bag the night before.

✔ High protein foods (such as: eggs, almonds, chicken breast, broccoli, oats, lean beef, tuna & fish) will keep your muscles strong so you are able to grow as a dancer.

✔ Eating high calcium foods (such as: seeds, cheese, yoghurt, almonds, dark leafy greens, rhubarb, figs and of course milk!) will keep your bones strong and reduce injury, also keeps your teeth strong for a bright shiny smile on stage! The body also needs calcium for muscles to move and for nerves to carry messages between the brain and every body part.

✔ Water, water and water! Only water is allowed in the studio anyway! Water helps to maximise physical performance, significantly affects energy levels and brain function. Helps to prevent headaches. All essential tasks for a dancer!

Thank you Vinshi & Jamie for your advice for your fellow dancers and their families! Looking forward to seeing all the healthy snacks and healthy kids around the studio!

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