3-6 years old

Dance Classes for Preschoolers

Being in a group and learning with a teacher is essential for young children as they prepare for their early school years.

Make this experience engaging and fun with lessons at The Renaissance School of Dance. We welcome young dancers of any ability, providing an inclusive and friendly environment.

You will love watching your little one blossom and thrive with the support of an encouraging dance teacher and a growing group of friends. Don’t forget that we care about your experience as well: all makeup and costumes are supplied.

Enrol for a FREE trial class at our Papatoetoe, Auckland location. Click here to get started with a free class or view the various dance styles below.

Get A Free Dance Lesson

Whether your goal is to reach the world stage or simply build new skills, we have a class for you. Get started with a FREE dance lesson.


Ages 6 months - 6 years

babyballet® gives babies, toddlers and children from 6 months to 6 years the chance to dance and have fun!


Ages 3 - 6 years

This is a dynamic introduction to jazz & hip hop dance using creative, imaginative role-playing, fun props and memorable music.

Acrodance / Gymnastics

Ages 3 years +

Learn to be flexible and flip! If your kids love being upside down, this is the class for them. These classes are skill-based to ensure smooth and safe progress.



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Class Information

Download Schedule

Click here to download a copy of our schedule.

Information Booklet

Click here to download a copy of our information booklet.

Contact us

Dance is Not All We Teach

Discover Auckland dance lessons that build confidence, resilience and lasting friendships.